Sunday, March 17, 2024

Musings on St. Patrick's Day


     It's still quiet at 7:00 this Sunday St. Patrick's Day morning. Unless you count the birdsong outside the window. The birds have all made it back from wherever it is they go in the winter, and their early morning gabfest is a joy to my ears. I miss that during the short days of winter. The furnace is still kicking on throughout the night, even though spring is pretty much here. The days have been warm and lovely but it still gets chilly at night. Right now, warm air is pouring from the register across the room and winding around my bare ankles like a softly purring cat. 

     Speaking of cats, Inky/Hagar is curled up on my desk, next to my right arm, snoring gently. Honestly, those little cat-snores are the cutest thing! It still leaves me gobsmacked to realize how completely I've come to love this turd. I didn't want him to begin with but, within two months, I found myself sort of enjoying the company. Now, I would be crushed if something were to happen to him. 

    Had a kitchen fiasco yesterday - I was making baked mac and cheese to go with a batch of pulled pork and overcooked the macaroni. The cheese sauce was just "ok," being a little bit grainy. I must have stirred the cheese in while the white sauce was still too hot. Still, it's edible, and the flavor is good. The mac, though, is pretty disgusting. I expect I'll pitch it, much as I hate to waste food, and just cook another batch. Fortunately, I made way too much of the "ok" sauce and have enough for a do-over. I'll take some pork, the new mac n cheese, some coleslaw, and a batch of brownies out to Darling Girl's family this afternoon.

    In other news, I've been struggling my entire life with my weight, and a few months ago it got to a point where it was downright scary. I didn't say anything to anyone, but I was worried. Out of the blue, my sister called to tell me she had signed us both up for Noom, a weight loss program that incorporates psychology with easy food tracking. Well, two days ago, I stepped on the scales to discover I finally hit the thirty pound mark. Twenty-anything pounds was meaningless but, thirty, now that made me feel like I accomplished something. It's been a long, slow, slog, but the changes I've made are bearing fruit, and I'm hopeful. Our subscription runs out in another month, but I feel like I can manage on my own now. Yes, I will find an app or something that makes logging my meals easy - that has been a huge part of my success, and I daren't let that fall to the wayside. BUT I have the basics well in hand now and, even though the weight comes off almost painfully slow, it does come off. I'm sort of excited to see where I stand in another six months. 

    In closing,