Summer is tired, and I think she's looking forward to handing the reins of her empire over to Autumn who is to arrive tomorrow. I've been hearing the katydids and crickets for weeks now, and the chlorophyll is beginning to drain from the leaves. The lush green of the trees on the mountains is looking dull and dusty as they prepare to don their autumn robes. Goldenrod and ironweed provide the brightest splashes of color in a browning landscape. The nights are cooler, crisp even, although the days are still plenty warm.
There is a faint blue haze in the air, and fog that lays dense in the hollers some mornings. The cacophony of bird song that filled the dawn hour has faded as many of our summer birds retreat south ahead of the coming cold. I've even heard the honking of south bound geese as they skein across the sky. They, of course, will be replaced by other geese from farther north, for whom this is south.
I have my own brand of tired, and it's not going to disappear in two days. Maybe it won't, ever. I keep hoping I'll wake up one morning full of the anticipation and energy I used to feel years ago, but the longer this ennui lasts, the less likely the prospect seems.
There are a lot, a lot, of good things though! I'm down a few more pounds and have, for the first time in probably four or five years, ordered some new clothes. New ones, not ones given to me from someone else's closet or bought at the thrift store. Not that there is anything wrong with closets and thrift stores - I've been grateful for all of those - but there is something about buying yourself something brand new that just feels good. Aaaaand, those new pants I ordered are two sizes smaller than what I've been wearing!
Darling Girl is still riding her heart out and doing very well. She and Buffy are becoming quite the thing and, this season, she is finally using Charlie more. He is the off-track Thoroughbred she got first, the one she couldn't use in shows for a year or so. She has ridden him plenty at the farm, practiced barrels and such with him, but this is his first season showing and he's doing great. I'm so proud of her and her work with both these guys, and proud of the horses, too. Can't wait to see what their futures hold!